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2024 IBS Exchange Program for Excellent Overseas Students 게시판 상세보기
Title 2024 IBS Exchange Program for Excellent Overseas Students
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2024-07-08 Hits 2206
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2024 IBS Exchange Program for Excellent Overseas Students

The Institute for Basic Science(IBS) is accepting applicants for the ‘2024 IBS Exchange Program for Excellent Overseas Students’. Support will be provided to the next generation of scientists who want real-world laboratory experience at IBS in Korea.

Program Details

Program Details
Program 1 - Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials
Research Center (Group) Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials
Location (City, Campus) Ulsan, UNIST Campus
PI Rodney Ruoff
Duration within 6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Demonstrated passion for Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training Basic science studies of carbon materials. (the “exact” Project is decided upon through discussions with Prof. Ruoff after the student arrives.)
Program Details
Program 2 - Pioneer Research Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences (1)
Research Center (Group) Pioneer Research Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences
(Discrete Mathematics Group)
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon (HQ)
PI Sang-il Oum
Duration 3~6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields Mathematics or Computer Science
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Demonstrated passion for Mathematics or Computer Science
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training The student researchers will have the opportunity to engage in research projects in Discrete Mathematics and collaborate with members of Discrete Mathematics Group. Successful candidates for these positions will be MS or PhD students with outstanding research potential in all fields of Discrete Mathematics with emphasis on Structural Graph theory, Combinatorial Optimization, Matroid Theory, and Algorithms.
They will participate in regular seminars, identify interesting research projects, reviewing relevant papers, conduct research, and collaborate with members of Discrete Mathematics Group.
They are also expected to document their findings in a form of a comprehensive report or paper or present their works.
For more information on the Discrete Mathematics Group, please visit our website https://dimag.ibs.re.kr/
Program 2 - Pioneer Research Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences (2)
Research Center (Group) Pioneer Research Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences
(Biomedical Mathematics Group)
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon (HQ)
PI Jae Kyoung Kim
Duration 6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields Biomedical mathematics
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Demonstrated passion for Biomedical mathematics
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training 1. You can learn the latest methodology in the field of biomedical mathematics while participating in the biomedical mathematics seminar and journal club that are held continuously.
2. You can develop your research by discussing with top international scientists who visit the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Group in the summer.
3. You can learn how top researchers conduct research and live together.
Please refer to the website: https://www.ibs.re.kr/bimag/job-application/graduate-student-internship/
Program Details
Program 3 - Center for Genomic Integrity
Research Center (Group) Center for Genomic Integrity
Location(City, Campus) Ulsan, UNIST Campus
PI Kyungjae Myung
Duration within 6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields Biological Sciences, DNA repair, CRISPR-Cas9
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Demonstrated passion for Biological Sciences, DNA repair, CRISPR-Cas9
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training Students will have a chance to learn the basic molecular biology, especially in the regulation of DNA replication, repair, and recombination. In addition, students will learn modern technology such as CRISPR-Cas9, whole genome sequencing and analysis, and protein analysis. Lastly, students will have a chance to learn how small molecules affecting DNA metabolism or CRISPR-Cas9 could be used for combating genetic diseases including cancers.
Program Details
Program 4 - Center for Vascular Research
Research Center (Group) Center for Vascular Research
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon, KAIST Campus
PI Gou Young Koh
Duration within 6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields Vascular biology, Vascular Genomics, Immunology
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Demonstrated passion for Vascular biology, Vascular Genomics, Immunology
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training We aim to discover novel molecules and fundamental processes of "organotypic" endothelial cell heterogeneity, angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, vascular remodeling and vascular niche with the integration of biomedical science and innovative technology
Program Details
Program 5 - Center for Genome Engineering
Research Center (Group) Center for Genome Engineering
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon, HQ
PI Bon-Kyoung Koo
Duration September 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025
Preferred Degree Fields MS or BS/MS integrated in Biology/Biochemistry
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Demonstrated passion for Biology/Biochemistry
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training Our research group specializes in cutting-edge studies in genome editing, genetics in various organisms, mouse genetics, organoid screening, protein structure analysis, and bioinformatics. We are seeking intelligent, passionate, and dedicated student researchers (trainees) to join our team.
Plan for Work Assignments
1. Genome Editing
- Trainees will develop innovative genome editing tools, including designing CRISPR/Cas9 constructs, optimizing gene-editing systems, and creating novel delivery methods. They will also work on high-throughput screening to identify and characterize new targets.
2. Genetics in Other Organisms
- Students will maintain and handle model organisms, perform breeding and genotyping, and design experiments to knock down or knock out genes. They will use techniques like live imaging, reporter gene assays, and developmental mutant analysis to study gene function.
3. Mouse Genetics
- Our research in mouse genetics involves understanding genetic contributions to development and disease. Trainees will be involved in breeding experiments, genotyping, and phenotypic analysis.
4. Organoid Screening
- Trainees will engage in screening processes using organoid models to understand organ development and disease. They will learn techniques for growing, maintaining, and analyzing organoids.
5. Protein Structure
- In protein structure studies, trainees will work on purification, crystallization, and structural analysis using techniques like cryo-EM. They will perform experiments to understand protein structure-function relationships, including mutagenesis and functional assays.
6. Bioinformatics
- Trainees will gain experience in bioinformatics, learning to analyze biological data using computational tools. They will work on projects involving sequence analysis, molecular modeling, and data interpretation.
Training and Experience
Our group offers an excellent environment for trainees to gain practical skills and experimental know-how. They will receive hands-on training in various laboratory techniques and participate in collaborative research projects. This experience will help them develop critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a deep understanding of experimental design and implementation.
We look forward to welcoming bright and dedicated students who are eager to contribute to our research and gain invaluable experience in the process.
Program Details
Program 6 - Center for Cognition and Sociality
Research Center (Group) Center for Cognition and Sociality
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon, HQ
PI Changjoon Justin Lee
Duration within 6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields -
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training Our research group, recognized globally for its expertise in studying reactive astrocytes, has established that these cells play a crucial role in neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer's disease and Parkin’s disease. We are currently exploring the possibility that reactive astrocytes may also be a causative factor in various other brain disorders. Therefore, through the IBS Exchange Program for Excellent Overseas Students, we are seeking a dedicated student to join our team for approximately six months to investigate this potential.
The selected student will participate in research utilizing our developed reactive astrocyte models to establish and study animal models of various brain diseases, including not only Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease, but also amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, stroke, obesity, and spinal cord injury. The program will provide comprehensive training in the use of reactive astrocytes and the establishment of animal models for brain diseases. The student will be directly involved in developing, validating, and investigating these models to identify potential therapeutic targets. This hands-on experience will equip the student with valuable skills and knowledge, contributing significantly to our understanding and treatment of these debilitating conditions.
Program Details
Program 7 - Center for Underground Physics (1)
Research Center (Group) Center for Underground Physics
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon, HQ
PI Koun Choi (YSF)
Duration September 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025
Preferred Degree Fields PhD
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training Proton identification using Machine Learning -
- Search for sterile neutrinos using in the Super-Kamiokande (SK) data of neutrino Neutral-Current interactions, which induces a recoiled proton signal. The current proton fit algorithm can only deal with a clean single ring events, where a multi-ring event, which is produced by hadronic interactions of proton and dominates the signal above 3 GeV, is much more important in such a study as the multi-ring events with Deep Inelastic scattering preserve better angular information. Developing such technique is a communal interest with the IBS group, to search for dark matter-induced recoiled proton signal in wide range of parameter space.
- Can visit the IBS-CUP and work with Koun Choi on two algorithms; one is the existing charged pion selection likelihood fit algorithm which can be modified for proton search, the other one is the Deep Learning. We plan to start from the latest effort of Water Cherenkov Machine Learning (WatChMaL) group in multi-ring segmentation, and try to optimize the training for proton-induced multi-rings and eventually aim to implement it into the SK reconstruction program in a consistent manner with existing likelihood fit algorithm.
Program 7 - Center for Underground Physics (2)
Research Center (Group) Center for Underground Physics (Dark Matter Search)
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon, HQ
PI Hyunsu Lee
Duration within 6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields Ph.D course
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training COSINE-100, originally operated at the Yangyang underground laboratory, has moved to Yemilab for an upgraded experiment called COSINE-100U. As COSINE-100U plans to start physics operations in August 2024 at Yemilab, this is an excellent opportunity to learn about dark matter physics and particle physics experiments for intern students. Intern students involved in this project will work on stabilizing the initial operations, upgrading the monitoring program, and conducting initial data analysis. Depending on the intern’s abilities, they may also engage in hardware tasks related to the various monitoring systems and electronics.
Program 7 - Center for Underground Physics (3)
Research Center (Group) Center for Underground Physics (Detector Physics Group)
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon, HQ
PI Yong-Hamb Kim
Duration November 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025
Preferred Degree Fields Ph.D or Master course
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training In recent years, superconducting detectors have played crucial roles in astroparticle physics because of their extreme energy sensitivities. We develop magnetic microcalorimeters for present and future detectors in neutrino studies and dark matter searches. Presently, we are installing detector setups in Yemilab including the new AMoRE system. It will be a good opportunity for intern students to participate in the detector development and intallation of cryogenic system in an underground lab. The interns may conduct a full cycle of a detector charterization experiment for newly developed sensors.
Program Details
Program 8 - Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (1)
Research Center (Group) Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon, HQ
PI Sergej Flach
Duration within 6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields Master’s or PhD students
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training Research Topics: Exceptional Points in Asymmetric Optical Microcavities
Asymmetric optical microcavities are critical components in modern photonics and optics. These microcavities, typically on the nanometer or micrometer scale, are designed to manipulate and analyze light modes within a confined space. Exceptional points are unique singularities in non-Hermitian systems where two or more eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors coalesce. These points are significant for their potential applications in enhancing the sensitivity of optical sensors, improving laser performance, and advancing the field of nonlinear optics.
In this program, we aim to investigate the presence and properties of exceptional points in asymmetric optical microcavities. The main objectives are to develop theoretical models that identify the conditions under which exceptional points occur in asymmetric optical microcavities and to study the various properties of exceptional points.
Program 8 - Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (2)
PI Sergei Koniakhin
Duration within 6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields Ms. and Bs. in condensed matter physics or theoretical physics or optics
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Demonstrated passion for in condensed matter physics or theoretical physics or optics
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training Aim of present exchange trainee program is to create theoretical bases of all-optical implementation of precise quantum states' amplitude and phase control in exciton-polariton quantum fluids and in the state of Bose-Einstein condensate [1]. The study will focus on implementation of control schemes of phase control of exciton-polariton condensates by means of combination of non-resonant pumping (for principal particle influx to the system and consequential condensation of polaritons) and quasi-resonant pumping for engineering the phases. One will consider the non-equilibtium condensation of exciton-polaritons in presence of quasi-resonant pumping. Conceptualization of experimentally feasible configurations for continuous observation of exciton-polariton quantum fluids and condensates by means of combination of quasi-resonant and non-resonant pumping schemes will be held. One will propose an experimental scheme for condensation of localized polariton condensates with the fixed phase between the condensates on demand. Consideration of the topological defects with richer phase patterns like solitons [2] and quantized vortices [3] created by quasi-resonant pump is also assumed.
During the training conducted via the IBS Exchange program, the student researchers will learn the basics of numerical solution of the driven-dissipative Gross-Pitaevskii equation with the usage of GPU-acceleration to describe spatial and temporal dynamics of exciton-polaritons.
[1] Töpfer, J.D., Sigurdsson, H., Pickup, L. and Lagoudakis, P.G., 2020. Time-delay polaritonics. Communications Physics, 3(1), p.2.
[2]Lerario, G., Koniakhin, S.V., Maître, A., Solnyshkov, D., Zilio, A., Glorieux, Q., Malpuech, G., Giacobino, E., Pigeon, S. and Bramati, A., 2020. Parallel dark-soliton pair in a bistable two-dimensional exciton-polariton superfluid. Physical Review Research, 2(4), p.042041.
[3] Koniakhin, S.V., Bleu, O., Stupin, D.D., Pigeon, S., Maitre, A., Claude, F., Lerario, G., Glorieux, Q., Bramati, A., Solnyshkov, D. and Malpuech, G., 2019. Stationary quantum vortex street in a driven-dissipative quantum fluid of light. Physical Review Letters, 123(21), p.215301.
Program Details
Program 9 - Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe
Research Center (Group) Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CGA group)
Location(City, Campus) Daejeon, HQ
PI Masahide Yamaguchi
Duration within 6 months of the start date
Preferred Degree Fields Fundamental/Theoretical Physics Modified theories of gravity
Dark Energy Models and Their Impact on Cosmic Evolution
Eligibility - Excellent communication skills in English
- Demonstrated passion for Fundamental/Theoretical Physics Modified theories of gravity
Dark Energy Models and Their Impact on Cosmic Evolution
- Student enrolled in an accredited university located outside of Korea
Description of the work and training Plan for student who is interested in “Fundamental/Theoretical Physics Modified theories of gravity”
The need of a new description of gravity is nowadays completely accepted. The Einstein’s general relativity theory has now reached its limits and need to be extended in higher energies domain. An attempt to obtain a beter theory is represented by the scalar-tensor theories of gravity. This class of theory brings with it a host of challenges. Among them, the presence of instability known as Ostrogradsky ghosts represents a pathological problem. During this research project, the question of the reversibility of certain field transformations and their impact on the theory's stability will be investigated. This could lead to the proposal of a new model, with derivatives of order greater than two, but with no pathological instability. Phenomenological predictions can then be made and compared with observations. Plan for student who is interested in “Dark Energy Models and Their Impact on Cosmic Evolution”

Internship Benefits

  • - D-4 (training) visa standard personnel expenses: KRW 1.2 million per month (limited to within 6 months period)
    • Please note that student researchers attending short-term training on a visitor visa will only be provided with airfare and housing support.
  • - Round-trip economy airfare
  • - Housing support
    • We will priority the use of available dormitories.
  • - Research project experience
  • - Networking opportunities
  • - Potential for future employment .. etc.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should submit their application form(attached form 1) and resume (no specific format) to jl21@ibs.re.kr by July 26th (Korea Standard Time). Join us and take the first step towards a rewarding career at the Institute for Basic Science in Korea. Do not miss out on this great opportunity. For more information, please visit www.ibs.re.kr or contact Ms. Jiyougn LEE via jl21@ibs.re.kr.



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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20