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LEE Seung Joo of the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe Wins the 2nd ICBS Pioneer Award 게시판 상세보기
Title LEE Seung Joo of the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe Wins the 2nd ICBS Pioneer Award
Name 전체관리자 Registration Date 2024-07-22 Hits 662
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LEE Seung Joo of the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe Wins the 2nd ICBS Pioneer Award

LEE Seung Joo, a research fellow at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe, has been awarded the Pioneer Award in the field of theoretical physics at the International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS) held in Beijing, China, from July 14 to 26.

The ICBS is a globally recognized international conference that focuses on three fundamental science fields: mathematics, theoretical physics, and theoretical computer and information sciences. The Pioneer Award is given to papers that have made academically outstanding achievements in each field over the past five years.

Research Fellow LEE Seung Joo was recognized for concretizing the Swampland Distance Conjecture with the proposal that, at infinite distance limits of moduli space, quantum gravity theories reduce to either an unresolved spatial shrinkage or an asymptotically tensionless weakly coupled string theory, pioneering a new research area in string theory.

This study demonstrated through quantitative analysis of spatial shrinkage in M-theory and string theory, presenting new directions for future string theory research.

▲ Research Fellow LEE Seung Joo (Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe)
▲ Research Fellow LEE Seung Joo (Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe)


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Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20