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[Workshop] Dissipative Quantum Chaos: from Semi-Groups to QED Experiments 게시판 상세보기
Title [Workshop] Dissipative Quantum Chaos: from Semi-Groups to QED Experiments
Name Department of Communications Registration Date 2017-07-26 Hits 3753
att. pdf 파일명 : DQC_Poster.pdf DQC_Poster.pdf
jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

[Workshop] Dissipative Quantum Chaos: from Semi-Groups to QED Experiments

International Workshop: Dissipative Quantum Chaos: from Semi-Groups to QED Experiments

Coordinators: Sergey Denisov (University of Augsburg, Germany & N.I.Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Igor Lesanovsky (University of Nottingham, UK)
Rosario Fazio (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and ICTP, Italy)

The footprints of the classical Hamiltonian chaos in the quantum domain are well explored (after more than thirty years of research), and the genetic links between its tokens - such as KAM-tori and Arnold diffusion and their quantum manifestations - are explored in great detail. The question we want to address is: Could something similar be done for the dissipative chaos?

The goal of the workshop is to bring together people from three areas, namely: experts on the classical dissipative chaos (with some knowledge of quantum physics), applied mathematicians working in the field of the dissipative quantum mechanics (Lindblad generators, semi-groups, quantum Monte-Carlo methods, etc.), and theoreticians / experimentalists dealing with QED and the solid-state quantum systems, where the dissipation and decoherence are parts of the lab reality.

Date: October 23 (Mon) - 27 (Fri), 2017

Venue: PCS IBS seminar room, Faculty Wing (4th floor), KAIST Munji Campus, Daejeon, South Korea

Contact: pcs@ibs.re.kr (+82-42-878-8633)

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