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IBS Conferences
[Workshop] Meta-Optics and Metamaterials 게시판 상세보기
Title [Workshop] Meta-Optics and Metamaterials
Name Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems Registration Date 2018-01-26 Hits 4163
att. pdf 파일명 : MetaMeta_Poster.pdf MetaMeta_Poster.pdf
jpg 파일명 : thumb.jpg thumb.jpg

International Workshop: Meta-Optics and Metamaterials

Scientific coordinators:
Yuri Kivshar (Australian National University, Australia)
Q-Han Park (Korea University, Korea)
Hak-Joo Lee (Center for Advanced Meta-Materials, Korea)

Local scientific organizers:
Ji-Hun Kang (Korea University, Korea)
Bumki Min (KAIST, Korea)

An important objective of the Workshop is to incorporate recent new developments in physics of metasurfaces, plasmonics, and resonant dielectric structures with quantum and nonlinear optics to facilitate new discoveries. This meeting will bring together the leading researchers from different areas of metamaterial physics and nanoscale science to explore the confluence of subwavelength photonics, metamaterials, quantum physics, the emerging physics of two-dimensional materials, and nonlinear nanophotonics. Whilst a number of breakthroughs can be already anticipated, one of the primary objectives of the meeting is to catalyze the creation of exciting new areas of research in this direction. This Workshop will be focused on the study of new fundamental properties of light in subwavelength structured photonic systems.

Dates: April 23 - 27, 2018

Venue: PCS IBS seminar room, Theory Wing (3rd floor), Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea

Contact: pcs@ibs.re.kr (+82-42-878-8633)

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Public Relations Team : Yim Ji Yeob   042-878-8173
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20