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IBS Conferences

Research Centers


Chief InvestigatorOUM Sang-il

  • OUM Sang-il Chief InvestigatorOUM Sang-il

Exploring mathematical and algorithmic problems on discrete structures

Contact Info

Tel. +82-42-878-9203


B221, IBS Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences (Discrete Mathematics Group), 55 Expo-ro, Doryong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (34126), South Korea

Major Publications

more paper
  • - Partitioning H-minor-free graphs into three subgraphs with no large components.
  • - Defective coloring of graphs excluding a subgraph or minor
  • - The "art of trellis decoding" is fixed-parameter tractable
  • - Coloring graphs without fan vertex-minors and graphs without cycle pivot-minors
  • - Classification of real Bott manifolds and acyclic digraphs
About CI
Discrete Mathematics Group led by Sang-il Oum

CI Oum Sang-il

Prof. Oum Sang-il is the Chief Investigator (CI) of the Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG), established on December 2018. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2005 by his work on graph theory and became a professor at Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST in 2008. He was awarded the Young Scientist Award by the president of Korea in 2012 for his contributions in the structural graph theory.

graphic image for Research Center

Carry out top-class research in discrete mathematics such as graph theory and algorithms.

  • - Problems on structural graph theory
  • - Problems on extremal graph theory, including coloring problems and Ramsey-type problems
  • - Problems on efficient graph algorithms
Main research activities

Discrete mathematics is an area of mathematics studying the properties and relationship of mathematical objects having discrete structures, unlike many other areas of mathematics dealing with continuous objects. Discrete structures appear naturally in various research fields such as theoretical computer science, probability theory, dynamical systems, network theory, and topology. Because of the emergence of digital computers relying on discrete data structures, discrete mathematics has been actively investigated for the last few decades and is recognized as one of the important subjects.

DIMAG(Discrete Mathematics Group) investigates various research subjects in discrete mathematics, such as graph theory, extremal combinatorics, combinatorial optimization, matroid theory, and discrete algorithms. In addition, it aims to create an attractive and active research hub, facilitating collaborations by organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences and attracting visitors.

Personnel status

Personnel status



Main research results
  • Revisiting ENSO/Indian Ocean Dipole phase relationships
    (Geophysical Research Letters, 2017)
  • Multi-year predictability of climate, drought, and wildfire in southwestern North America
    (Scientific Reports, 2017)
  • Influences of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation on Heat Waves in Monsoon Asia
    (American Meteorological Society, 2017)
  • (Un)predictability of strong El Nino events
    (Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System, 2017)
Personnel status
Gender10(Male), 20(Female)
Korean/ International24(Korean), 6(International)

As of December. 2017


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Discrete Mathematics Group : Oum Sang-il   042-878-9200
Last Update 2024-06-03 13:58