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IBS Conferences

Research Centers


Chief InvestigatorCHA Meeyoung

  • CHA Meeyoung Chief InvestigatorCHA Meeyoung

Advancing data- and AI-driven research and leading computational social science

Contact Info

Tel. +82-42-878-9003


B249, IBS Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences (Data Science Group), 55 Expo-ro, Doryong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (34126), South Korea

Major Publications

논문 더보기
  • - Prominent features of rumor propagation in online social media
  • - Measuring User Influence in Twitter: The Million Follower Fallacy
  • - Characterizing user behavior in online social networks
  • - Emoticon Style: Interpreting Differences in Emoticons Across Cultures
About CI
연구책임자 차미영

CI Meeyoung Cha

Prof. Meeyoung Cha is a Chief Investigator in the Data Science Group at the IBS Pioneer Research Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences (since January 2019) and an Associate Professor in School of Computing at KAIST. She is a prominent young researcher in the field of computational social science, where her research interest is in modeling complex human social systems using big data. Her research focuses on developing AI-driven data science methods, such as detection of fake news, used in the analysis of complex social computing systems. She has been actively collaborating with global research groups including MPI-SWS, United Nations Pulse Lab, and Facebook Data Science Team.


Multi-disciplinary research for solving future social problems based on state-of-the-art data science research methodologies and artificial intelligence (AI)

  • - Developing algorithms to detect fake news and reduce its spread.
  • - Investigating interpretable AI methods by learning perception biases
  • - Modeling human behavior using deep learning of heterogeneous data
  • - Predicting spikes and crisis events through natural language processing and image analysis
Main research activities

Data science is a new paradigm to analyze large-scale data produced from social systems, natural phenomena, and experiments. Data science shows great potentials on various fields of study. The data science group at the Pioneer Research Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences focuses on problems in computational social science, which can have a huge impact for future societies. In particular, we will contribute to developing state-of-the-art methodologies for handling large-scale, heterogeneous data via deep learning and AI.

We will strive to advance the data science research field via developing new ways of computing that goes beyond the limits of current machine learning and deep learning. Through research, we expect to provide a better understanding of the complex human-socio systems by suggesting qualitative data analysis methods to interpret large scale heterogeneous data. Furthermore, the development of new methodologies will contribute on tackling social issues for the future society such as fake news, filter bubble, and insomnia by building and applying AI-driven data science methodologies.

Personnel status
Personnel status
Gender16(Male), 5(Female)
Korean/ International16(Korean), 5(International)

As of December. 2019

연구단 구성


주요 연구성과
  • 엘니뇨-남방진동(ENSO)과 인도양 쌍극자(IOD)와의 관계 재조명
    (Geophysical Research Letters, 2017)
  • 북미 남서부 지역의 기후, 가뭄, 및 산불에 대한 수 년 예측 가능성
    (Scientific Reports , 2017)
  • 여름철 계절안 진동이 아시아 몬순 지역 폭염 발생에 미치는 영향
    (American Meteorological Society, 2017)
  • 강한 엘니뇨 현상의 예측 (불)가능성
    (Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System, 2017)
인력 구성
인력 구성
성별10(남), 20(여)
내·외국인24(내국인), 6(외국인)

2017년 12월 31일 기준


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Content Manager
Data Science Group : Park Sung Jun   042-878-9301
Last Update 2024-06-03 13:58