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IBS Conferences

Research Centers


Chief InvestigatorKIM Jae Kyoung

  • KIM Jae Kyoung Chief InvestigatorKIM Jae Kyoung

Development and application of mathematical tools to understand multi-scale biological systems

Contact Info

Tel. +82-42-878-9350


B307, IBS Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences (Biomedical Mathematics Group), 55 Expo-ro, Doryong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (34126), South Korea

Major Publications

논문 더보기
  • - Wake-sleep cycles are severely disrupted by diseases affecting cytoplasmic homeostasis
  • - Systems approach reveals photosensitivity and PER2 level as determinants of clock-modulator efficacy
  • - Emergent genetic oscillations in a synthetic microbial consorrium
About CI
KIM Jae Kyoung CI

CI KIM Jae Kyoung

Dr. Kim is the Chief Investigator (CI) of the Biomedical Mathematics Group, established on February 2021. He is an associate professor in Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST and member of Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. in Applied & Intredisciplinary Mathematics at University of Michigan and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at the Ohio State University.


BIMAG aims to carry out top-class research in the field of biomedical mathematics.

  • - Development of mathematical toolboxes for investigating multiscale dynamics of living organism from intracellular to intercellular and systemic level.
  • - Applications of mathematics to identify causes of and treatment strategies for circadian rhythms sleep disorders at the level of molecules, networks and systems.
Main research activities

Living organisms are organized in multiple scales. A myriad of small molecules such as proteins form a complex and dynamic network of chemical reactions. Their spatiotemporal interactions regulate cell physiology (i.e. dynamics of the cell). Cells also communicate with each other to integrate themselves into tissues. Finally, various tissues arrange themselves into organs, and many organs compose an organism. We aim to develop mathematical toolboxes for investigating such multiscale systems of living organisms and apply them to improve our understanding for living systems.

  • - Development of reduction methods for multi-scale systems and its application to identify molecular mechanisms underlying enzyme kinetics, cancer immunotherapy and biological oscillators.
  • - Development of inference methods for dynamic cellular networks and its application to biological oscillatory networks.
  • - Development of digital medicine for sleep disorders and cancer based on health wearable devices.
연구단 구성


주요 연구성과
  • 엘니뇨-남방진동(ENSO)과 인도양 쌍극자(IOD)와의 관계 재조명
    (Geophysical Research Letters, 2017)
  • 북미 남서부 지역의 기후, 가뭄, 및 산불에 대한 수 년 예측 가능성
    (Scientific Reports , 2017)
  • 여름철 계절안 진동이 아시아 몬순 지역 폭염 발생에 미치는 영향
    (American Meteorological Society, 2017)
  • 강한 엘니뇨 현상의 예측 (불)가능성
    (Dynamics and Statistics of the Climate System, 2017)
인력 구성
인력 구성
성별10(남), 20(여)
내·외국인24(내국인), 6(외국인)

2017년 12월 31일 기준


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Last Update 2024-06-03 13:58