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IBS Conferences
Person/Department Search
Department Procurement and Asset Management Team
Work Duties 1. Handling contracts for goods, construction, and services
2. Asset management
3. Inspecting goods and services
4. Customs clearance and follow-up management
5. Other matters concerning procurement contracts and asset management
Person/Department Search
Department Position Name Tel E-mail
Procurement and Asset Management Team Head Pyo, Jiho 042-878-8285 이메일 보내기
Procurement and Asset Management Team Kim, Won Kee 042-878-8102 이메일 보내기
Procurement and Asset Management Team Im, Jung Ho 042-878-8157 이메일 보내기
Procurement and Asset Management Team Shim Young Dae 042-878-8196 이메일 보내기
Procurement and Asset Management Team Park Joo Won 042-878-8175 이메일 보내기
Procurement and Asset Management Team Minkyoung Jang 042-878-8228 이메일 보내기
Procurement and Asset Management Team LEE HYUN 042-878-8254 이메일 보내기
Procurement and Asset Management Team Baek Seo Yun 042-878-8238 이메일 보내기
Procurement and Asset Management Team Tae Hyeon YOU 042-878-8078 이메일 보내기

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Content Manager
Management Planning Team : Hee-Su, Choi   042-878-8222
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20