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IBS Conferences
Person/Department Search
Department Budget Management Team
Work Duties 1. Requesting and reviewing government funds
2. Allocating government funds and managing spending
3. Formulating and modifying program plans and budgets
4. Responding to budget and settlement deliberation by the National Assembly
5. Formulating and reviewing mid-term program plans
6. Compiling and managing the working budget of the Institute
7. Other matters concerning budget management
Person/Department Search
Department Position Name Tel E-mail
Budget Management Team Head Kim, Gi Myoung 042-878-8132 이메일 보내기
Budget Management Team Song Chi-Heon 042-878-8215 이메일 보내기
Budget Management Team Park Jung Eun 042-878-8044 이메일 보내기
Budget Management Team Kim, Hee Young 042-878-8113 이메일 보내기
Budget Management Team Kim Sewon 042-878-8262 이메일 보내기

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Content Manager
Management Planning Team : Hee-Su, Choi   042-878-8222
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20