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IBS Conferences
Person/Department Search
Department Audit Team
Work Duties 1. Making and implementing audit plans
2. Conducting regular audits
3. Verifying settlement of operating costs and research costs
4. Investigating and handling complaints and misdeeds
5. Cooperation with audit agencies
6. Other matters concerning audits
Person/Department Search
Department Position Name Tel E-mail
Audit Team Head Yoo, Joo Hyun 042-878-8166 이메일 보내기
Audit Team Hur Jae Jung 042-878-8188 이메일 보내기
Audit Team Cho Ji-hye 042-878-8136 이메일 보내기
Audit Team JOSEUNGYEON 042-878-8252 이메일 보내기
Audit Team JOO HYUN SUB 042-878-8255 이메일 보내기
Audit Team Son, Yun ju 042-878-8011 이메일 보내기
Audit Team Jeon Ha Jeong 042-878-8235 이메일 보내기

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Content Manager
Management Planning Team : Hee-Su, Choi   042-878-8222
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20