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IBS Conferences
Person/Department Search
Department Core Facilities and Service Team
Work Duties 1. Laboratory animal use and care
2. Laboratory animal husbandry and breeding
3. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee management
4. Supercomputing resources establishment and operation
5. Research data utilization, preservation and sharing
6. Support for imaging and analysis facility use
7. Other matters related to the shared use and technical assistance of Research Solution Center infrastructure
Person/Department Search
Department Position Name Tel E-mail
Core Facilities and Service Team Head Eo Hoon Kyoung 042-878-8111 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Jung Haejin 042-878-8264 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Oh Miah 042-878-9206 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Kim Hwan 042-878-8110 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Park Su Rim 042-878-8242 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team KIM Jin Woo 042-878-8161 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Jeon Chan Mi 042-878-8045 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Heo Mu Young 042-878-8047 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Ryu Bum Han 042-878-8287 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Kim Taek Seung 042-878-8128 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Kim Hyejin 042-878-8223 이메일 보내기
Core Facilities and Service Team Park Jong Hyuk 042-878-8257 이메일 보내기

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Content Manager
Management Planning Team : Hee-Su, Choi   042-878-8222
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20