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IBS Conferences
Person/Department Search
Department Research Center Support Team
Work Duties 1. Overall administrative support for the research centers.
2. Agreements and related matters with host institutions.
3. Support for the initiation and termination of research centers.
4. Identifying and attracting excellent domestic and international researchers, and fostering young researchers.
5. Planning of academic and research collaboration systems.
6. Other tasks supporting the operation of the research centers.
Person/Department Search
Department Position Name Tel E-mail
Research Center Support Team Head Jeong, Geum Hee 042-878-8164 이메일 보내기
Research Center Support Team Jung, Hyun Taeck 042-878-8167 이메일 보내기
Research Center Support Team Oh ah Young 042-878-8194 이메일 보내기
Research Center Support Team Kim Kyoungmo 042-878-8120 이메일 보내기

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Content Manager
Management Planning Team : Hee-Su, Choi   042-878-8222
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20