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IBS Conferences
Person/Department Search
Department Office of Technical Support & Engineering
Work Duties 1. Work related to vacuum systems/electromagnets maintenance tasks.
2. Work related to management of precision survey networks, device alignment-related tasks.
3. Work related to support for the installation of accelerators and beamlines.
4. Work related to operation and related tasks for utilities within accelerator areas (ISOL zone, experimental device zone) and cryogenic facility buildings.
5. Work related to management of drawings for heavy ion accelerator devices.
6. Other work related to accelerator and beamline infrastructure technology.
Person/Department Search
Department Position Name Tel E-mail
Office of Technical Support & Engineering Head Choi Sukjin 042-878-8774 이메일 보내기
Office of Technical Support & Engineering Kim Yong Hwan 042-878-8771 이메일 보내기
Office of Technical Support & Engineering Kang, Joon Sun 042-878-8874 이메일 보내기
Office of Technical Support & Engineering Lee, Yang Ho 042-878-8790 이메일 보내기
Office of Technical Support & Engineering Kim, Do Gyun 042-878-8724 이메일 보내기
Office of Technical Support & Engineering Cho Jae Hyung 042-878-8789 이메일 보내기
Office of Technical Support & Engineering SonHyungJoo 042-878-8870 이메일 보내기
Office of Technical Support & Engineering Seo, Chang Seog 042-878-8768 이메일 보내기

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Content Manager
Management Planning Team : Hee-Su, Choi   042-878-8222
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20