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IBS Conferences
Person/Department Search
Department High-Energy Linac Development Team
Work Duties 1. Work related to research and development and overall management of high-energy accelerator equipment.
2. Work related to management and coordination of the SCL2 preliminary R&D project.
3. Work related to performance testing (VT, HT) of superconducting accelerator equipment.
4. Work related to the operation and management of SRF testing facilities.
5. Work related to the research, development, and maintenance of cryogenic maintenance modules (accelerating tubes, couplers, tuners, etc.).
6. Work related to the research, development, and maintenance of superconducting accelerator module control systems.
7. Work related to the operation and maintenance of RF systems (injector, SCL3, beamline re-buncher, etc.).
8. Work related to the research, development, and establishment of the SCL2 RF system.
9. Work related to technical issues in the construction of high-energy accelerator equipment.
10. Work related to inspections (comprehensive inspections, progress inspections, etc.) of high-energy accelerator equipment construction.
11. Work related to management of budget/schedule/risk for the construction of high-energy accelerator equipment.
12. Other work related to the development and planning of high-energy accelerator equipment.
Person/Department Search
Department Position Name Tel E-mail
High-Energy Linac Development Team Head JungYoochul 042-878-8735 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Jang Hyojae 042-878-8788 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Kim Heetae 042-878-8823 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Youngkwon Kim 042-878-8842 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Hyun Myung Ook 042-878-8764 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Lee Jae Hyung 042-878-8873 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Jo Yong Woo 042-878-8832 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Do Heejin 042-878-8792 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Yoon Junyoung 042-878-8781 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team LeeJunWoo 042-878-8770 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team ChoiJongWan 042-878-8769 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team ChoiOhRyong 042-878-8775 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Kim Ju Wan 042-878-8877 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Park Heecheol 042-878-8903 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team LeeSeungJin 042-878-8861 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Kim Moo Sang 042-878-8767 이메일 보내기
High-Energy Linac Development Team Jangwon Han 042-878-8847 이메일 보내기

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Content Manager
Management Planning Team : Hee-Su, Choi   042-878-8222
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20