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IBS Conferences
Person/Department Search
Department Dark Matter Axion Group
Work Duties Solving the Fundamental Symmetry Problem of the Universe and the Secrets of Dark Matter
1. Experimental Exploration of Axion Dark Matter Using Resonators
2. Study of Axion Interactions
3. Phenomenological Research on Axions
4. Research and Development of Broadband Detection Technologies for Axion Search
Person/Department Search
Department Position Name Tel E-mail
Dark Matter Axion Group CI YOUN SungWoo 이메일 보내기
Dark Matter Axion Group Kwon Ohjoon 이메일 보내기
Dark Matter Axion Group Saebyeok Ahn 이메일 보내기
Dark Matter Axion Group Danho Ahn 이메일 보내기
Dark Matter Axion Group Jinsu Kim 이메일 보내기

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Content Manager
Management Planning Team : Hee-Su, Choi   042-878-8222
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20