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IBS Conferences
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Title 2025-1 Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences Open Recruitment
Person in charge Personnel in charge of hiring E-mail Address shkim27@ibs.re.kr Tel No.
Department Registration Date 2025-03-14 00:00 Closing Date 2025-03-31 18:00
Status In progress

2025-1 Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences Open Recruitment

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) is a national research institute established in accordance with Article 14 of the “Special Act on Establishment of and Support for International Science and Business Belts”. IBS aims to discover creative knowledge and secure original technologies through world-class basic science research. The IBS Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences invites creative and dynamic candidates who will help us to achieve our goals.

□ Positions and Requirements

  • 〇 Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM)
    채용분야 및 인원
    Position No. Area Requirement Vacancy
    Senior Researcher
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - Carbon and related materials
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field 1
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - Computational studies of
    carbon-related materials
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field 1
    Christopher W. Bielawski Group
    - Synthetic chemistry
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field 1
    Postdoctoral Research Associate
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - New ways to grow cubic
    boron nitride
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field
    (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date)
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - Diamond nanowires, diamond
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field
    (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date)
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - Porous carbon and porous
    boron nitride materials
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field
    (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date)
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - Computational studies of
    carbon dissolved in liquid
    metals, and of carbon and
    related materials
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field
    (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date)
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - Physics-Informed AI for
    carbon-related materials
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field
    (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date)
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - Mechanical properties
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field
    (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date)
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - Computational studies of
    carbon-related materials
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field
    (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date)
    SUH Yung Doug Group
    - Nano Spectroscopy & Imaging
    of Materials
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field
    (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date)
    Zonghoon Lee Group
    - In situ TEM
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field
    (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date)
    JIN Mi-Jin Group
    - Experimental Physics
    ·Bachelor’s degree or above
    in a related field
    Research Engineering Staff
    Rodney S. Ruoff Group
    - Management of vacuum
    equipment and construction of
    self-made equipment
    ·Bachelor’s degree or above
    in a related field
  • 〇 Center for Algorithmic and Robotized Synthesis (CARS)
    채용분야 및 인원
    Position No. Area Requirement Vacancy
    Postdoctoral Research Associate
    Bartosz A. Grzybowski Group
    - Algorithmic and Robotized Synthesis
    - Organic Chemistry
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date) 2
  • 〇 Center for Genomic Integrity (CGI)
    채용분야 및 인원
    Position No. Area Requirement Vacancy
    Postdoctoral Research Associate
    Kyungjae Myung Group
    - Genomic Integrity
    ·Doctoral degree in a related field (Eligible to apply: those who do not exceed 5 years after obtaining doctoral degree or those who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of expected appointment date) 1
    Kyungjae Myung Group
    - Mechanisms of DNA replication
    ·Master’s degree in a related field 1
    Research Engineering Staff
    Kyungjae Myung Group
    - Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
    ·Master’s degree in a related field 1
  • ※ Please refer to the attached job description for each area.

□ General Qualifications and Preferences

  • [General Qualification]
  • ▪ Those who are qualified under Article 33 of the State Public Officials Act and IBS regulations.
  • ▪ Those who do not fall under Article 82 of the Act on Anti-corruption and the Establishment and Operation of the Anti-corruption & Civil Rights Commission.
  • ▪ Those who are not restricted from traveling abroad and have completed mandatory military service or are exempted from such service.
  • ▪ Those who meet the eligibility criteria as of the application deadline.

  • [Preferences]
  • ▪ Additional points will be given at each screening stage for persons with disabilities under Article 3 and 4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, or persons eligible for employment assistance under Article 29 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment of and Support for Persons, ETC. of Distinguished Service to the State.
    - 5 additional points for those who submit a certificate of disability.
    - 5 or 10 additional points for those who submit a certificate of employment protection for national war veterans.
    ※ If both additional points are applicable, only one higher score will be given.
  • ▪ Those who are “women in science, engineering, and technology” under Article 2 of the Act on Fostering and Supporting Women Scientists and Technicians.

□ Recruitment Process

Recruitment Process
Category Schedule Content
(Application) Submit application documents via E-mail (shkim27@ibs.re.kr)
(Required Documents) CV, list of research achievements,
*Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information,
*Application for the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) *Attached
※ Duplicate applications for multiple recruitment fields are not allowed.
2025.04.08. (Evaluation Criteria) Relevance to the recruitment field, excellence in research achievements, work capability, potential for growth, and overall potential.
(Selection Criteria) Candidates will be selected in order of highest scores, with an average score of 80 or above, within a ratio of up to three times the number of openings.
※ Only successful candidates will be notified via email.
Interview 2025.04.14.
(Evaluation Criteria) Expertise in the recruitment field, presentation skills and attitude, problem-solving ability, potential for growth, and overall potential.
(Selection Criteria) Candidates will be selected in order of highest scores, with an average score of 80 or above, within the planned number of hires.
※ Only successful candidates will be notified via email.
Employment 2025.06.01. ▪ Appointment date is negotiable.
※ However, if the candidate is unable to join by September 1, 2025, the appointment may be canceled.

※ The above schedule is subject to change.

□ Employment Conditions

Employment Conditions
Category Content
Work Location ▪ Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (UNIST Campus in Ulsan, Korea)
▪ Center for Algorithmic and Robotized Synthesis (UNIST Campus in Ulsan, Korea)
▪ Center for Genomic Integrity (UNIST Campus in Ulsan, Korea)
Contract Terms (Senior Researcher) Initial contract renewable once, with a maximum employment duration of 5 years.
(Researcher) Initial contract renewable once, with a maximum employment duration of 5 years.
(Postdoctoral Research Associate) Initial contract renewable once, with a maximum employment duration of 3 years.
※ Reappointment is based on a performance evaluation with a minimum score of 70.
(Research Engineering Staff) If the candidate passes a separately designated evaluation before the initial contract (2 years) expires, renewal is possible every 2 years until the research center closes.
※ Upon appointment, the position level will be assigned based on the appointment rule.
(General Conditions) Employment will continue only until the research center closes.
Salary ▪ Based on the IBS Payroll Operations Rules (Pay-band to be applied)
Start Date ▪ 2025.06.01. (Negotiable)
※ If the start date is delayed beyond September 1st 2025, the appointment may be canceled.

□ Application Submission

  • 〇 Application via E-mail (shkim27@ibs.re.kr)
    Please write the exact position number in the e-mail subject, and duplicate applications for multiple recruitment fields are not allowed.
  • 〇 Deadline: March 14, 2025 (Fri) ~ March 31, 2025 (Mon) by 18:00 (KST)
    Your application is not valid if you do not submit the following two documents.
    - Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information,
    Application for the Institute for Basic Science (IBS)

□ Other Information

  • 〇 To secure outstanding research personnel in alignment with the recruitment field, the blind recruitment system will be flexibly applied, considering the unique characteristics of research positions. Additionally, the scope of collected information will be expanded to include academic background, degree-granting institution, duration of degree completion, recommendation letters (including recommender information), and career history. However, personal information that could reveal the applicant’s identity, such as gender and age, will still be excluded.
  • 〇 Blind hiring process will be implemented to minimize bias in the selection process by ensuring that all personally identifiable information is removed from candidates’ resumes and applications.
  • 〇 Applicants are fully responsible for any disadvantages resulting from errors, omissions, or failure to submit required documents. If any submitted information is found to be false, the job offer will be revoked.
  • 〇 In accordance with Article 4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Fair Recruitment Procedure Act, documents submitted at the request of the institute may be returned if the applicant requests a return within three months after the final recruitment results are announced.
  • 〇 If a candidate is deemed ineligible based on background checks or medical examination results, the job offer will be revoked.
  • 〇 If a candidate is found to have been dismissed due to misconduct as stipulated in Article 82 of the Act on the Prevention of Corruption and the Establishment and Management of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, the appointment will be revoked.
  • 〇 If no candidates are deemed suitable through the screening process, no hiring may take place.
  • 〇 Upon hiring, job classification, salary, and other employment conditions will be determined in accordance with the institute’s regulations.

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Human Resources Development Team : Kim Ju Yeon   042-878-8269
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20