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Title 2023-3 Recruitment Announcement for Postdoc Position at the IBS Center for Genome Engineering
Person in charge Personnel in charge of hiring E-mail Address ils-recruit@ibs.re.kr Tel No.
Department Center for Genome Engineering Registration Date 2023-04-18 Closing Date 2023-05-03
Status Closed

2023-3 Recruitment Announcement for Postdoc Position at the IBS Center for Genome Engineering

The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) is Korea’s first government-funded basic science research institute established under Article 14 of the Special Act on Establishment of and Support for International Science and Business Belt. IBS aims to discover creative knowledge and technologies through world-class basic science research.

Center for Genome Engineering is one of the first centers established by Institute for Basic Science. The research of the center focuses on in vivo an in vitro genetic engineering utilizing adult stem cell-based organoids and mouse models. The selected candidate will be working in the team of Dr Bon-Kyoung Koo, whose research topics are described in his current institute:

The IBS Center for Genome Engineering is looking for a creative and rigorous researcher who will help us achieve our goals.

□ Recruitment Area and Opening

Recruitment Area and Opening
Affiliation(workplace) No. Job category Recruitment area Qualifications Number of openings
IBS Center for Genome Engineering(IBS HQ, Daejeon) Postdoc - Organoids
- Genetic Engineering
- Disease Modelling
- Mouse Genetics
- Dev Biology
- CRISPR tools
⦁ Degree: Doctoral degree*
⦁ Major: As specified in the areas
- Scientific excellence
- Strong motivation
- Proficiency in English
- Independence
- iPSC/Organoid experience
- Genome editing experience
- Targeting vector design and application
- Imaging
- Histology

* Eligible to apply for Postdoc position: PhD degree that does not exceed 5 years after obtaining the doctoral degree or those who expected to obtain a doctoral degree within 3 months by the time of appointment date

〇 Position Overview
- Postdoctoral Research Associate) A position to conduct research training and research for a certain period of time to deepen research expertise and abilities. Contract renewal after initial contract is available within total 3 years, if the performance review rating is more than the average score of 70.
※ In the unlikely event of closing the Center, the employment contract will be terminated accordingly.

□ Qualifications and Preferences

  • General qualifications
  • • Those who are qualified as defined in Article 33 of the State Public Officials Act and IBS regulations.
  • ▪ Those who do not fall under Article 82 of the Act on Anti-corruption and theEstablishment and Operation of the Anti-corruption & Civil Rights Commission.
  • • Those who are permitted to travel abroad, and/or completed mandatory military service or are exempted from such service (those who can transfer their military exemption slot can apply).

  • Preferences
  • • Additional points for persons with disabilities as defined in Articles 3 and 4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, or persons eligible for employment assistance as defined in Article 29 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment of and Support for Persons, Etc. of Distinguished Service to the State.

□ Screening

Stages Expected Schedule Contents
Application Submission 2023.04.18. ~ 2023.05.03. (Submission)
submit application via e-mail (ils-recruit@ibs.re.kr)
- CV and list of research achievements
- consent application forms(forms attached)
Document screening 2023.05.08. ~ 2023.05.12. (Review Criteria) Relevancy to the recruitment area, excellence of research achievements, work capability; activities related to recruitment area, development potential.
(Screening Method) Select three times the number of candidates than the opening for the next screening stage and they shall be in the highest average score order(minimum average score: 80)
Interview screening 2023.05.15. ~ 2023.05.19. (Review Criteria) Expertise in the recruitment area, attitude and adaptability to organizational culture, presentation skill and diligence, development potential.
(Screening Method) Select the final candidate in the highest average score order, within the number of openings (minimum average score: 80).
Appointment 2023.07.16. ▪ Appointment date is negotiable for successful candidates

※ The expected schedule above is subject to change

□ Required Documents

Required Documents
Stage Documents to submit Notes
Document screening ▪ CV and list of research achievements , consent application forms(forms attached)
※ Blind hiring process will be implemented to reduce the risk of bias in the hiring decision and block out all identification details from candidate’s application documents.
Submit application documents via e-mail
▪ Supporting documents for persons with disabilities or eligible for veterans’ benefit (if applicable)
※ The pertaining documents will only be used to confirm the pertaining qualification. Blind hiring process will be implemented.
Interview screening ▪ Photocopy of the graduation certificate of the highest academic degree of diploma Only finalist will be asked to submit
▪ Full transcripts of the completed curricula equivalent to college of higher
▪ Photocopy of certificates(if applicable)
▪ Employment certificates from previous companies(if applicable)
▪ List of research accomplishments(if applicable)

□ Document Submission and Period

  • - Documents submitted via e-mail (ils-recruit@ibs.re.kr): CV and list of research achievements , consent application forms
    • *E-mail Title: ex) [①- Applying for research position at the IBS Center for Genome Engineering] recruitment No. and job category must be specified.
  • - All documents should be written in English or Korean.
  • - Period: 2023.04.18. ~ 18:00, 23.05.03. (KST)
  • ※ Please kindly note that if your application misses to submit a part of required documents, your application shall not be accepted. Please make sure that you provide the consent form.

□ Other Information

  • - Blind hiring process will be implemented to reduce the risk of bias in the hiring decision and block out any and all identification details from candidate's resume and applications.
  • - Applicants take full responsibility for any consequences resulting from omissions and errors found in submitted documents, not submitting required documents, etc. If any information is proven false, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • - If selected candidates are disqualified through a background check or a recruitment-related physical examination, the job offer will be withdrawn.
  • - If selected candidates are found dismissed according to the Article 82 of the Act on the Prevention of Corruption and the Establishment and Management of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, the appointment will be withdrawn.
  • - Submitted documents may be returned when such requests are made within three months from the announcement of recruitment results according to the Article 4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Fair Hiring Procedure Act.
  • - No candidates may be hired if all candidates are found unsuitable during screening stages.
  • - If hired, the work level, annual salary, etc. will comply with IBS standards.
  • - Inquiries: Responsible staff at the IBS Center for Genome Engineering (E-mail: ils-recruit@ibs.re.kr)

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Content Manager
Human Resources Development Team : Kim Ju Yeon   042-878-8269
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20