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IBS Conferences

Total : 4

질문 1. What are the criteria and process for the Mid-term review?

A consulting-based mid-term review is conducted two years after the commence, focusing on the composition and management of the Junior CI group. The review covers four main aspects* through an assessment of the mid-term progress report submitted by the Junior CI group, presentations, and group tours.  
Main aspects: Scientific excellence, research group composition and management, talent recruitment and development, research collaboration.

질문 2. What are the criteria and process for the performance review?

The performance review aims to check and evaluate the excellence of research outcomes and development of research capabilities as a principal investigator (PI) in the fourth year after the research commencement as a Junior CI.
▪ Review items
- Excellence in research: Originality, potential and impact of research, excellence and significance of research outcomes produced during the Fellowship term, appropriateness of the future research plan and so on
- Capabilities as a PI: Leadership, capabilities to conduct research independently and so on
- Appropriateness of management: Propriety of research budget allocation and spending, appropriateness of research group composition (personnel and organization), necessity and use of purchased equipment (if applicable) and so on
- Cooperation with and contribution to the Center: Use of the Center’s infrastructure, synergy creation (collaborative research), contribution to the Center’s large-scale and long-term interdisciplinary research and so on 

질문 3. What is the process for early termination of Junior CI projects?

The Junior CI who intends to request early termination of their project and the Center/Institute concerned must notify the responsible unit of the intent two months prior to the expected termination date. Based on the notification, the unit responsible for evaluation will request submission of a status report while the unit responsible for research management will request a progress report and budget execution report (only for Extramural Centers). Then, the research account reconciliation will take place. After considering the term as a Junior CI and other factors, an IBS committee will determine a review method and schedule. A review will be carried out in line with the predetermined method and schedule, and the Junior CI will be notified of the results.

질문 4. What happens to Junior CIs when their Center/Institute is closed down?

In the case of Center/Institute discontinuation, the research project of the Junior CI concerned will be terminated in principle. However, when transfer to another Center/Institute is possible and the Junior CI concerned agrees with the transfer, the Junior CI’s research group can move to another Center/Institute to continue the research.


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Research Evaluation Team : Herin AN   042-878-8042
Last Update 2023-11-28 14:20